Accessibility Page 21

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Some Content I have written

The thing about this is that it is some text about a topic. It's interesting how things can be about topics. Topics are just things or stuff that things or stuff can be about. How to spot a topic is that it is about something or it pertains to some kind of stuff or another.

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Roads are a kind of surface that people or things travel on in a direction from one place to another place. It is a way of moving around. There are many roads in the world. There are many roads in the UK.

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Books are pieces of paper all joined together so you can flip through the sheets of paper and read them. You can read them because they have words printed or written on them. Sometimes there are pictures on the pages too. Books have covers to protect the pages and to display information about the book and these can be hardback or softback.

Accessibility Page 21 - Taxonomy Terms Display

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